How do you think?

"The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is how they think." -John Maxwel

How do I think? I believe this has a lot of power and our chosen capacity. People always ask me how I do it. Full time job, wife, mom to 5 year old triplets, graduate student, friend, mentor, sister etc. Reality is that I wouldn't give any of these hats up. I prayed for every single one of them and to now turn around and say "I can't do it all" or "It's too much" what would that mean? Every single one of these roles fills me, inspires me and allows me to walk in my purpose. It's so easy to stand on a prayer:
"God bless me with a job, bless me with a loving husband, bless me with a family, bless me with great friends, bless me with purpose!!!"

Does any of that prayer sound familiar? Perhaps because it is a prayer we all pray at times. To now look at my life and let it overwhelm me would be thankless for the beautiful blessings I was on my knees for.

This world likes to make us forget that our blessings can become burdens and hold you back. I would like to remind you of the opposite....they are your miracles! It's all in the power of how you think again my dear friend!

Scriptures to lean on:
Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

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