Today the triplets started preschool full time (5 days a week) and I started Grad School. Such momentous days for all of us and they are not even aware! Made me wonder how many momentous days have gone by in our lives that our heavenly Father has witnessed while we remained unaware. Does He reveal small pieces of the puzzle at a time or do we only have eyes to see the small pieces of the puzzle? I believe it’s a little of both. I say this because I know what I am planning for you," says the Lord. "I have good plans for you, not plans to hurt you. I will give you hope and a good future. (Jeremiah 29:11)

I can trust the plans, I can trust the journey, I can trust in Him. After all, look where you’ve come from? Look how far you are? Could we have explained it to you?

The funny thing is that I actually dislike puzzles. I figure…if I can see the picture on the front cover what is the point of recreating a broken one? It’s not going to suddenly surprise me by the beautiful landscape it becomes. I see the end already. AND the one I’m about to recreate will pale to the cover because mine will have ridges and indentations in it….I fail to see the point. 
It is at this very moment that I am reminded that it is all a choice. We are not living to recreate a picture He already see’s. We are creating the original masterpiece and He is watching us birth it with every decision we make! We are the artists, we chose which pieces to put together and with each brushstroke we create a piece of the infinite tapestry!

For today, I celebrate the start of this journey quietly on my own and know that one day we will all share in the fruit of what it all means. For now, I admire the puzzle pieces I CAN see and look forward to the masterpiece I will see one day. Can you see the piece that you are weaving? Can you imagine the bigger picture you’re a part of today?

Scriptures to lean on:
Proverbs 19:21
Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.

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