The happiest place on earth!

Today we took the triplets to Disneyland.

We’ve taken them before but so young they were unaware of what it really was. Today I could see it in their eyes. They took it all in and were in awe of this wonderful place Mami & Papi knew about . They met princesses, Buzz Light Year, Mickey and all the magical characters they loved. I could see the wonder in their eyes. Not just the joy they were experiencing but the magical wonder. I am sure their 3 year old minds had questions such as… where are we? Are they real? Why are they so big? But not one question was asked! They just smiled and hugged them and clapped and danced around. Accepting them for what they were and celebrating their “realness” in front of them! They trust us completely and never worry about what we are presenting to them. For we live by faith, not by sight. (2Corin5:7)
We can all learn from this trust and faith but what really got me was later.

We were standing in line for a ride. They were excited and couldn’t stand still. They were talking over each other and not letting us answer the flurry of questions. We just looked at each other and laughed as other people stared at the crazy chaos of our every day lives. Then…….I began to cry!

Now, most of you mommies know me. I’m not the easiest egg to crack and even I didn’t understand. It was a deep sadness that I had tapped into and was unaware it was there!

I had flashbacks of going to Disney with my parents and as an only child I would stare at what appeared to be happy families, laughing, enjoying the moment and talking to their kids. My father had lived a hard life and was a hard man and carried an intense mood that spilled onto us everywhere we went. We pretended to be a happy family but it felt like a façade and deep sadness lived inside.

Here I am……26 plus years later and I could see this one only child staring at us and smiling.

I saw myself in his eyes and another wall was instantly broken.  What had stood tall in my heart for over 3 decades melted. One second I acknowledged a deep hurt, the next second brought down a wall and the third second filled it with deep joy!

I was now part of this happy family I had wondered about so many years ago! When did I switch spots?!  THANK YOU JESUS!! Was it appropriate to fall on my knees at Disneyland and praise God?! …. Don’t hold your breath…. I did! I hugged my kids and told my husband about it. The twinkle in his eyes, as I told him what had just transpired quietly in front of him, confirmed it all for me. I saw nothing but pride, love and understanding and a “welcome home” in his eyes.  

That day Disneyland held true to their slogan “The happiest place on earth” never rang so true. But the reality is that this could have happened at any time at any place. I just needed the eyes to see and the ears to hear…..We all have it at our grasp. We just need to look at the picture again and decide what side we're standing on. Are you living on the side of the past or the present?

Scripture to lean on:
“Go,” said Jesus, “your faith has healed you.” Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road. (Mark 10:52)

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