
"Your earthly father may have failed you but your heavenly father will never leave you & He will fill the void." -Philip Wagner www.philipwagner.com

I had never heard a more healing statement. This was a man, my Pastor asking for forgiveness for the offenses another earthly man had committed in my life. This was a man standing in a gap that perhaps my own dad would not be able to stand upon in his lifetime. Not only did he allow me to begin to let go of the pain and sadness but he did a great favor to my earthly dad. The one that hurt me the most, the one I continue to pray for, the one that God cries for......as a lost son.

What my Pastor did was stand is gap that my earthly father has not been able stand in...on his own and perhaps one day my dad will start a relationship with God. There he will find forgiveness. Forgiveness that I have already granted in my own heart because of this man, this Pastor. And when he does, if he gets to meet my Pastor ...he can thank his brother for standing in that gap for him.

I now challenge myself...to stand in someone else's gap.

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