Today the triplets started preschool full time (5 days a week) and I started Grad School. Such momentous days for all of us and they are not even aware! Made me wonder how many momentous days have gone by in our lives that our heavenly Father has witnessed while we remained unaware. Does He reveal small pieces of the puzzle at a time or do we only have eyes to see the small pieces of the puzzle? I believe it’s a little of both. I say this because I know what I am planning for you," says the Lord. "I have good plans for you, not plans to hurt you. I will give you hope and a good future. (Jeremiah 29:11)

I can trust the plans, I can trust the journey, I can trust in Him. After all, look where you’ve come from? Look how far you are? Could we have explained it to you?

The funny thing is that I actually dislike puzzles. I figure…if I can see the picture on the front cover what is the point of recreating a broken one? It’s not going to suddenly surprise me by the beautiful landscape it becomes. I see the end already. AND the one I’m about to recreate will pale to the cover because mine will have ridges and indentations in it….I fail to see the point. 
It is at this very moment that I am reminded that it is all a choice. We are not living to recreate a picture He already see’s. We are creating the original masterpiece and He is watching us birth it with every decision we make! We are the artists, we chose which pieces to put together and with each brushstroke we create a piece of the infinite tapestry!

For today, I celebrate the start of this journey quietly on my own and know that one day we will all share in the fruit of what it all means. For now, I admire the puzzle pieces I CAN see and look forward to the masterpiece I will see one day. Can you see the piece that you are weaving? Can you imagine the bigger picture you’re a part of today?

Scriptures to lean on:
Proverbs 19:21
Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.

The happiest place on earth!

Today we took the triplets to Disneyland.

We’ve taken them before but so young they were unaware of what it really was. Today I could see it in their eyes. They took it all in and were in awe of this wonderful place Mami & Papi knew about . They met princesses, Buzz Light Year, Mickey and all the magical characters they loved. I could see the wonder in their eyes. Not just the joy they were experiencing but the magical wonder. I am sure their 3 year old minds had questions such as… where are we? Are they real? Why are they so big? But not one question was asked! They just smiled and hugged them and clapped and danced around. Accepting them for what they were and celebrating their “realness” in front of them! They trust us completely and never worry about what we are presenting to them. For we live by faith, not by sight. (2Corin5:7)
We can all learn from this trust and faith but what really got me was later.

We were standing in line for a ride. They were excited and couldn’t stand still. They were talking over each other and not letting us answer the flurry of questions. We just looked at each other and laughed as other people stared at the crazy chaos of our every day lives. Then…….I began to cry!

Now, most of you mommies know me. I’m not the easiest egg to crack and even I didn’t understand. It was a deep sadness that I had tapped into and was unaware it was there!

I had flashbacks of going to Disney with my parents and as an only child I would stare at what appeared to be happy families, laughing, enjoying the moment and talking to their kids. My father had lived a hard life and was a hard man and carried an intense mood that spilled onto us everywhere we went. We pretended to be a happy family but it felt like a façade and deep sadness lived inside.

Here I am……26 plus years later and I could see this one only child staring at us and smiling.

I saw myself in his eyes and another wall was instantly broken.  What had stood tall in my heart for over 3 decades melted. One second I acknowledged a deep hurt, the next second brought down a wall and the third second filled it with deep joy!

I was now part of this happy family I had wondered about so many years ago! When did I switch spots?!  THANK YOU JESUS!! Was it appropriate to fall on my knees at Disneyland and praise God?! …. Don’t hold your breath…. I did! I hugged my kids and told my husband about it. The twinkle in his eyes, as I told him what had just transpired quietly in front of him, confirmed it all for me. I saw nothing but pride, love and understanding and a “welcome home” in his eyes.  

That day Disneyland held true to their slogan “The happiest place on earth” never rang so true. But the reality is that this could have happened at any time at any place. I just needed the eyes to see and the ears to hear…..We all have it at our grasp. We just need to look at the picture again and decide what side we're standing on. Are you living on the side of the past or the present?

Scripture to lean on:
“Go,” said Jesus, “your faith has healed you.” Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road. (Mark 10:52)

You have triplets?????

The question I get several times a week.

I never really know where these start-up conversations are gonna go. It could be plain curiosity, awe, delight, a few times disgust and many more than I can ever count a true ministry moment. Regardless of what my day has looked like, where I’m going and what mood the kids are in ..I have learned to listen to the words that they are NOT saying. I take a moment to chat with them and be open with my story. 

They say that most people aren’t as open to talk about Christianity or open to be invited to church but my life story has Jesus written all over it so I can share that! I don’t have to speak scriptures, wear a cross or tell them what I do for a living. All they have to do is hear my story unfold and the fruit overflow. I like answering questions about how I do things, how tired I must be, how much help I must have, how tired I must be,  how overwhelmed I must feel......how tired I must be!
What keeps me going?? There is an alternate story the enemy tried to tell!  

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. (John 10:10) The raw truth is that my story could have been different. Regardless of how tired, stressed, busy and unappreciated you must feel think of the alternative! My husband and I could still be trying to have a family and praying for an answer but instead, we have been given a gift (though bigger than we had ever prayed for) so why would I now turn to Him and complain????

Don’t get me wrong…. Of course we have our moments…after all, we're human…. but I refuse to dwell there!! Who wins?? Instead, I give myself a minute….cry out to God about how tired, stressed, busy or unappreciated I feel and ask for His strength not mine! Then I spend 3 minutes thanking Him for just that.....the fatigue, stress and the business of my life!!! What else could I be doing now if the alternative had been true?! 

This world can quickly turn your biggest blessing into your biggest thorn if you allow it to. So my advise….take a minute and talk to those who stop you because you may be planting a seed or watering a seed but truly they are reminding YOU of your very own story and blessings!  Who are you talking to today and what are you focusing on? Remember, the story is not about you....it might just be about that divine meeting and that person that was specifically sent to you!

Scriptures to lean on:
Don't forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it! (Hebrews 13:2)

Why I attempt.......

Today is the start of this late in coming blog. I had two blogs going. A family picture, funny story one and a mommy one. The family one has suffered with no updates for over a year and the mommy one is too behind to keep going! So, here we go. I will merge them both. I will post all the most commented on old posts and start with new fresh ones soon.

(note from my old post....thought it was worth repeating as I obviously failed!....here's to try #2)
I figured that in this age of multi-media explosion it could serve as a journal. Not like the 15-20 half written in,  months apart… makes no sense kinda journals but one my kids could laugh (or cringe) at in a few years. My prayer is that I follow through on this and it doesn’t fail as my written ones have and that many can learn from the journey I am on. After all, I am just a blessed mommy in process!
Enjoy the comedy of our lives!!